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Having witnessed ( on television anyway) the famous Staubach Hail Mary as it happened, I am taken fast forward to a medical play I am about to witness in person, lying on my back at Yale New Haven Hospital today. It involves a medical procedure done by a basic newcomer to the DR. Staff at Yale, in the form of an up and coming new star in the field of heart medicine. I bring you (and with no disrespect AT ALL! ) the soon to be famous Dr. Maureen Wright with her medical version of a hail Mary. Don't know why I think of these things, however it seems to be something that just came up at literally 4:40 in the AM, the day that will go down in the halls of ultimate praise for her attempt at an interesting play called a cardioversion . Dr Wright will use me as her maiden voyage to help my heart beat more regular as it pertains to my life on this earth. She is under the tutelidge(SP?) of the self proclaimed KING of Vascular Surgery at Yale, a Dr. Nimrod Lavi . All will go well today with this "Hail Maureen" God Bless!!! AG

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